I use this medium to welcome you into the New Year. I know for some people the experience of 2015 is one they never wished to see again in life. Whereas for others it is the reverse.
Whatever state you may be, i want you to thank God that you are alive to make changes to your life; either to turn around the events of the past year or to consolidate on the gains. One way by which this can be done is to change your perspective.
Perspective means to look through or observe. for instance as in looking through a window. Your life and the point where you are today is as a result of the window your are looking through to activate your life or to assess your life. The perspective of your life is the total outlook of your life.
The way you see your life came into existence as a result of a combinations of thing: your strength, your circle of influence, your resources, your hopes, what you hear, the realities of life etc.
However, with God these things are not the primary things as much as trusting God and believing in the ability/skills you have.
The God i know is the one who can:
1. Make a way in the wilderness
2. Provide rivers in a desert land, not even a well or stream
3. give strength to those who do not have
4. Win a battle with just a few people or much
5. Transform the life of anyone.
I hear Him say this to you “Do not remember the former things…………. behold I do a new thing………” Isaiah 43:18-19
It becomes important for you to see things differently, in the light of what the Almighty says. Look through a new window that the word of God opens to you this year, and you will certainly be victorious in all things.
God bless you and have a wonderful new year.
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